Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

Push it to the limit

The Ultimate Energizers Collection!

Don't make it boring. Engage your participants with fun!

Stop searching. You've found it. Your one-stop-shop for upping your next workshop. Pick your filters and enjoy tried & tested energizers. For facilitators this is one of the most funfactor improving elements of every workshop, now it can be one of yours to!

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No matching energizers here! :’(

Please try out some of our other filters to find an exciting energizer!

Tell us all about it!

Artifact Bingo

    • 5 to 10
    • 10 or more
    • Average (5-15 minutes)
    • Long (15-30 minutes)
    • Online
    • Physical movement
    • Building relations

How it works

This energizer requires a bit of preparation but it is totally worth it. Create a bingo card with nine boxes (or more) on it. These boxes contain all kinds of objects that everyone has in their house, but usually not near their computer. The goal: to be the first to get BINGO. This can be done horizontally, vertically or diagonally … if you manage to collect three items in a straight line, you score BINGO!


What you need

Create a bingo card with 9 or more images of items that can be found around the house.

Dit template en de energizer zelf zijn te vinden in: MIRO



Tip! As a fun factor add an item in the bingo card that is a reward for
the participants, such as a chocolate bar or an ice cream (they will
most likely eat it afterwards!)


GIF Tournament

    • Less than 5
    • 5 to 10
    • 10 or more
    • Average (5-15 minutes)
    • Online
    • Building relations
    • High fun factor

How it works

Prepare some statements before the session. These can be expressions, quotes or any short phrase which can be described visually later.

Pick a statement (for example: “Monday morning feels like..”) and put it up for the group to see. Ask everyone to find a GIF that they think best represents this statement and let them add it near the phrase. Once everyone has added a GIF, start a voting session so everyone can vote on their favourite one. Do several rounds to turn it into a tournament


What you need

Example(s) of websites (like GIPHY) for the group to easily find GIF’s.

Dit template en de energizer zelf zijn te vinden in: MIRO


Decide on what it is you are curious to know about the people that
are in your group, so you can base your statements on this.


Emoji dream job

    • Less than 5
    • 5 to 10
    • Average (5-15 minutes)
    • Long (15-30 minutes)
    • Online
    • Introduction
    • Miro

How it works

Laat iedereen een post-it op het bord plakken en zijn naar hier in typen.
Vervolgens moet iedereen met enkel emoji’s uitbeelden wat hij/zij vroeger wilde worden. A la een rebus. Iedereen krijgt hier 5 minuten de tijd voor.

Vervolgens begin je met degene die bovenaan staat. De groep moet aan de hand van de emoji’s raden wat diegene vroeger wilde worden. Dit kan door gewoon te roepen!

What you need

Dit template en de energizer zelf zijn te vinden in: MIRO


Laat mensen ook wat vertellen over hun kinder droom beroep versus
hun huidige beroep. Er komen dan leuke dingen naar boven.

In plaats van emojis kun je hem ook door de groep laten schetsen met pen en papier.


The Elephant

    • Less than 5
    • 5 to 10
    • Average (5-15 minutes)
    • Online
    • Offline
    • Physical movement
    • High fun factor

How it works

Train je armspieren en je creativiteit met deze energizer!

Iedereen pakt een A4’tje en houdt deze achter zijn/haar rug. Vervolgens krijg je 5 minuten de tijd om er achter je rug een olifant van te scheuren. Oftewel: scheur het papier in de vorm van een olifant.

Als de 5 minuten om zijn, laat iedereen zijn/haar creatie zien aan de rest.

Gegarandeerd lachen!

What you need

Een A4’tje per persoon.

Dit template en de energizer zelf zijn te vinden in: MIRO


Kies ook eens een ander dier. Bijvoorbeeld een giraffe!


Post-it art

    • Less than 5
    • 5 to 10
    • 10 or more
    • Average (5-15 minutes)
    • Long (15-30 minutes)
    • Online
    • Introduction
    • Creativity warm up
    • Stimulate interaction
    • Miro

How it works

Activeer je creatieve brein en leer Miro kennen door post-it’s te plakken.

Er zijn twee varianten van deze energizer.

Variant 1 – Competitie
Verdeel de groep in 2’en en laat de groep de pixel art afbeelding eronder namaken met post-it’s. De groep die als eerste klaar is wint!

Variant 2 – Samenwerken
Kies 2 pixel art afbeeldingen uit en vertel de groep dat ze mogen kiezen welke afbeelding ze gaan namaken met post-it’s.
Ze hebben 10 minuten de tijd om zo ver mogelijk te komen.


What you need

Dit template en de energizer zelf zijn te vinden in: MIRO



Deze oefening kan je ook gebruiken om te kijken hoe de groep samenwerkt en wie welke rol inneemt. Gebruik dit in je voordeel!





    • 5 to 10
    • Average (5-15 minutes)
    • Offline
    • Physical movement
    • Creativity warm up
    • High fun factor

How it works

Divide the group in 2 teams. The goal is to (as a team) recreate a movie poster where each team member has a role. The other team has to guess the corresponding movie. Start off with giving the teams 10 minutes to discuss movie posters and practice a set up. The use of objects is allowed.

Variation tip: Instead of movies you can also take a subject such as Historical Events.



30 seconds guess

    • 5 to 10
    • Average (5-15 minutes)
    • Online
    • Offline
    • Creativity warm up
    • High fun factor

How it works

Prepare a list of words that have a relation to the group. For example product names, actions, famous colleague’s, techniques and methods. Avoid doubles. Write down 5 words per post it. Have 1 post it per group (or 2 of you want to do more rounds).

Split up the participants in groups with a minimum of 3 per group. Each group picks a Teamlead. The Teamlead will receive the post-it with the 5 words. He has to describe each word without using the word itself. The rest of the team has to guess as much words as possible. For each correct word guessed 1 point is awarded. You have 30 seconds per round.

The rules are:

  • The words on the post-it’s are not allowed to be said out loud
  • It is not allowed to spell out the words
  • It is not allowed to point out objects in the room
  • It is not allowed to mimic or humm


Bullshit Detector

    • Average (5-15 minutes)
    • Online
    • Offline
    • Building relations
    • High fun factor

How it works

Ask every participant to stand on a chair or table. Taking turns each individual tells a story. This can be either truth or a lie. When the story is finished the rest of the group can call out the lie by making an X with their arms. Or show they believe the story by putting up their arms. If a participant guessed correctly he/she may remain standing, the rest sits down. Who ever is still standing at the end of the round is/are the winner(s).

If everyone is seated before the final round everyone may stand up again


Online version:

Ask every participant to turn on their camera. Taking turns each individual tells a story. This can be either truth or a lie. When the story is finished the rest of the group can call out the lie by making an X with their arms. Or show they believe the story by putting up their arms. If a participant guessed correctly he/she may keep the camera on, the rest turns the camera off. Who ever is still with a camera on at the end of the round is/are the winner(s).

If everyone has their camera off before the final round, everyone may stand up again


Face the facts

    • 5 to 10
    • Average (5-15 minutes)
    • Online
    • Offline
    • Introduction
    • Building relations
    • Stimulate interaction

How it works

This energiser requires a bit of preparation. Try to speak to the participants beforehand and try to learn about their most secret hobby or something they’re most proud of. Image search matching visuals, print these out and take them with you.

At the start of your session take (or download) individual (polaroid) pictures of the participants. Challenge the participants to make correct matches between the polaroids and printed out images. When it’s a match ask for an accompanying story about the image.


Crazy head

    • 5 to 10
    • Short (2-5 minutes)
    • Offline
    • Introduction
    • Creativity warm up

How it works

Every participants gets 20 second to draw a part of a head. The goal is to have a fully drawn head with parts contributed by every participant.

Make people switch every 20 seconds. Your rounds can look as following:

  • Headshape
  • Eyes
  • Nose
  • Hair & ears
  • Mouth

Present the end result by hanging up the drawings.


Instead of using heads you can also use animals. The end result being a logo for the project team.


Diamond dance

    • 10 or more
    • Average (5-15 minutes)
    • Offline
    • Physical movement
    • High fun factor

How it works

Ask the participants to stand in the shape of a square with 1 person at each tip. These 4 people are the leaders. Ask everyone to look in the same direction as one of the leaders. When the music starts the leader initiates a dance that the rest of the group copies. When the leader does a twist to the left, right or a full 180 degrees a new leader gets to initiate the dance.

Tip: don’t forget to use happy music such as Survivor by David Hasselhoff or Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars



    • 5 to 10
    • Average (5-15 minutes)
    • Offline
    • Physical movement
    • High fun factor

How it works

With the participants in a line, ask for a fruit. Then ask if some one can show you how that fruit moves/dances. Stimulate movement and creativity. When there’s 4 different fruit movements start repeating in a random order. Take around 3 minutes for the fruit dance to get everybody warmed up.


The wedding reception

    • 10 or more
    • Long (15-30 minutes)
    • Offline
    • Building relations
    • Stimulate interaction

How it works

For this energiser you are going to simulate a the wedding reception of Hans and Michelle. Hans is a teacher and Michelle a manager at a mobile phone provider. Prepare character post-its with Names, relation Hans and/or Michelle and a unique characteristic. Hand these post-its out to the participants at the start. Their goal is to find out who is attending the wedding reception, the relation to Hans/Michelle and what their unique characteristic is. Participants have to try to find as many as possible.

Use 15 minutes to mingle and 5 minutes for reflection and score count.


Flowing statues

    • Long (15-30 minutes)
    • Offline
    • Physical movement

How it works

This works great for closing off a period of teamwork. Do not rush this, take your time.

  1. Stand in a circle with the participants with eyes closed
  2. Recite certain events and/or highlights in chronological order helping everyone to remember
  3. After having gone through everything ask the participants to share their best memory
  4. Two or more participants will then try to visualise the moment using whatever they have as if they were statues
  5. Make a photo of each ‘Statue’. Think about polaroids for easy sharing.

Don’t forget to ask why they picked certain memories, this will also give you insight in the participant’s experience


Sketch an event

    • Average (5-15 minutes)
    • Online
    • Offline
    • Introduction
    • Creativity warm up
    • Building relations

How it works

Before starting tell the group that everybody knows how to sketch and that everybody can do it. For example you can draw a couple of stick figures and let the group guess what they mean to show how easy it is. Place the participants around a table and give each one 3 post-its and 1 pencil or pen.

  1. Write down a sentence on the first post-it describing something that has had impact
  2. Stick a new post it on-top of the first and give them to the person on the left
  3. Secretly read the bottom post-it and sketch this on the top post-it
  4. Stick on the third and final post-it and give them to the person on the left
  5. Make an interpretation of the drawing and write this on the third post-it
  6. Hang out all the post-its on the wall in sequence and talk through them.


Rock Paper Scissors

    • 10 or more
    • Average (5-15 minutes)
    • Online
    • Offline
    • Physical movement
    • High fun factor
    • Stimulate interaction

How it works

Spread the participants around the room while pairing them up. Each pair will do a game of Rock Paper Scissors. The rules are:

  • Rock beats Scissors
  • Paper beats Rock
  • Scissors beats Paper

Each pair plays a best of 3. The loser gets behind the winner and cheers him as enthusiastically as possible. Don’t forget to take an epic picture when the finale starts.


Mirror mirror

    • 5 to 10
    • Average (5-15 minutes)
    • Online
    • Offline
    • Physical movement

How it works

Split up your participants in groups of 2 consisting of a First and a Second. When the First starts to move the Second will try to mirror the movements. Challenge the participants to make the movements as complex as possible, breakdancing being the most difficult. Switch after 2 minutes.

Variation tip: throw in assignments based on objects or certain area’s in the space. Or add a mirror line with tape in the middle of the room.



    • 5 to 10
    • Average (5-15 minutes)
    • Online
    • Offline
    • Creativity warm up
    • High fun factor

How it works

This is all about speed and improvisation, asking the most of the participants association ability. Try to keep the pace and energy up, a little bit of stress is nothing to worry about.

  1. Gather the participants in a circle
  2. Pick a ‘Storyteller’ and starting point. This can be a theme or sentence
  3. After the story has started other participants feed the Storyteller with random words
  4. The Storyteller tries to incorporate as much of the words in the story as possible

Keep the rounds around 2 to 3 minutes each to keep momentum. Most likely not everyone is comfortable being the Storyteller.

Variation for bigger groups: Instead of standing in a circle you can make teams of 2 or more.


Memories from the past

    • Short (2-5 minutes)
    • Online
    • Offline
    • Introduction
    • Building relations

How it works

Create something to represent the place you are currently in. For example a drawing or something the place is known for. Place this in the middle of the room.

Get people to stand at a distance from the center based on where they were grew up. Not based on actual distance but based on how it feels.

Ask every participant to share where they grew up and their most precious childhood memorie from that place.

You can follow this up with the participants sharing their expectations.

Fun twist: Ask people to draw their memory so you can hang these up later.


Unique Facts

    • Less than 5
    • Short (2-5 minutes)
    • Online
    • Offline
    • Introduction

How it works

Before starting decide on an area of topics. For example secret hobbies or favourite TV Shows.

Ask all participants to stand in a circle. One by one each participant takes a steps forward and introduces him/her self with the next 3 lines:

  1. My name is …
  2. My job is …
  3. I’m the only person who …

If any other participant shares point 3 he/she steps forward and you start over. Everyone gets 3 attempts. Repeat till everyone has gotten a turn
